After watching Indianna Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, my love adoration with the gorgeous Harrison Ford has risen once again. After researching his exact age, i was completely startled to discover that he is in fact 67!! Is it wrong to lust after an ageing pensioner? I'm going to say..YES. However, i feel my cringe worthy crush on the elderly actionman, is in fact fictional; the solitary time that i yearn for his muddy skin and masculine behaviour is when he plays the character. In reality the Ford is probably a simple family man with two kids and a labrador..YAWN! So i have come to the conclusion that i am in love with Indianna Jones..
In general most girls have a certain 'type' that they would look for in a fella, the majority of my girl friends would go for the attractive, cleancut male with tanned skin and a six pack. This is far removed from my desires in the opposite sex; every time i see a grubby bloke with an unshaven face and dishevelled hair, i immediatly want to rip his scruffy clothes off! For me, there is simply NOTHING hotter than the homeless look in a man; basically my ideal gent would be based on a cave person (without the clubbing your wife part!) I'm not sure whether its their strong and manly nature, or their nonchalant and unkept appearance; i just can't help but admire any guy with a messy barnet and shabby facial hair...although a full on Jesus beard slightly crosses the line!
Not to stereotype, but it has become apparent that the traditional modern 21st century man will now spend hours on his appearance..male wrinkle creams, hair gel and gradual tanning creams seem to be an essential part in many men's morning routine these days. Not that men should retract all the way back to the caveman era, (unfortunately for me!) but i feel that the extremities and obsessions with appearance are going too far and can only get worse. Today, vanity is not just affecting women; men have also been enticed into the world of perfection. Magazines such as Men's Health target these impressionable males who believe that the latest fake tan will help you bed any woman you desire. It's insane..all blokes need is to not give a shit about what they look like! That's surely the most appealing element about a man? Why would we want a boyfriend who spends more time in the mirror than us? Pretty soon men are going to look like women, and every straight female will look like a lesbian as they stroll down the street with their perfectly groomed other half!
I say, bring on Indianna!!....I'm sure Doctor Jones could help straighten out today's effeminate sissies; with just one swing of his bull whip lasso! Watch this space ;)
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