The promise of a two week heatwave has once again damaged our British spirits. Those insistent grey clouds, instead, have decided to spit out a weekend of drizzle. So as I'm trapped inside on a very gloomy Monday, at least I can spend some time with Tea&Scones. After the mound of deadlines are officially over, I now have a few weeks of mindless activities to indulge in, before I begin my summer job (yawn).
Living in Hythe, a small town in the Kentish countryside, poses very few things to do for a student in her 20's. Days spent snaking through the high-street, in and out of charity shops, can become a little mundane, even for me. So with Hythe's lack of sunshine and friends stuck behind their college desks, I can rekindle my love for blogging.
Once the essays and dissertation proposals had been thrusted into the hatch, it was time for the students of Southampton to celebrate with late nights and lay ins. Us girls at 59 Wilton Avenue were no exception, we spent three weeks watching disney films, going for lunch and partying until it was light outside. Living the lives we can't afford! But as June arrived, my housemates ventured home and I was left to man the house on my todd for one more week. However, this was not another 7-day booze up, instead, I was there to begin my placement at the Daily Echo.
Feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed by the sudden disquiet, I was not looking forward to working 9-5 and coming home to an empty shithole. Although, I admit, the applecore covered floor and sticky kitchen surface, was a mess that I had formed hans solo. But to my suprise, the Daily Echo was far better than I could have imagined. Unlike working at LOOK magazine, this humble newspaper provided me with real responsibilites. Throughout the week, I got to write and publish current news features, investigate a sexual assualt case, visit a magistrates court, be videod for the daily headlines and was even sent out to find news and interview residents.
I've had an adoration for journalism since I was writing stories at the age of 6, but the Daily Echo has now cemented my determination to become a writer; be it newspapers or books. To top the week off, I was presented with a Daily Echo mug and even invited back for a second placement.
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